Honolulu, HI | 3 stories | 110,000 sq ft

The Navy Lodge at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor is the adaptive reuse of the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark built in 1941 that was used as an emergency medical facility after the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. The historical concrete building underwent a renovation and structural retrofit with the construction of a new 3-story light-framed structure. A static seismic pushover analysis was performed to determine the extent of repair necessary for the existing building. Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were used to strengthen the existing concrete building to meet the upgrade in building codes required by the client. Other modifications included the installation of a new elevator, structural repair of concrete spalls and rebar corrosion, and the creation of openings in floors and  walls  to  accommodate  new  plumbing  and HVAC systems.

The new facility provides military personnel, active duty and retired, a modern, mid-sized hotel with air-conditioned suites and rooms with a kitchenette for preparing meals.


CDS International


Dick Pacific Construction Co., Ltd